Friday, March 9, 2007


Media Kit: Background

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
President of Waterkeeper Alliance

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. currently serves as the President of Waterkeeper Alliance, is Senior Attorney for Natural Resources Defence Council and is Chief Prosecuting Attorney for the Hudson Riverkeeper. He graduated from Harvard University where he received his undergraduate's degree and later attended Pace University where he earned his Master's Degree in Environmental Law. Kennedy Jr., has worked on environmental issues across the Americas and has helped negotiate treaties for both Canada and Latin America. Though he performed these many acts, he is known best for leading the fight to protect the New York City's water supply and his negotiation on behalf of the New York City's watersheed consumers for the New York City water shed agreement. He has written multiple books, one being "The Riverkeepers (1997)", and has appeared in many articles. This attorney not only informs the public of environmental issues, but also has a passion for white-water paddling, where he has led several expeditions in Canada and Latin America.

Ramaswamy R. Iyer
Former Secretary of Water Government of India

Ramaswamy R. Iyer is the former Secretary of the Ministry of Water Resources in the Government of India. He is currently a professor at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi, India. The Cauvery water dispute is one of the many federal issues that have been used to help the public better understand the consumption of water. Sharing, social justice and harmony between groups, as well as, harmony between human beings and nature has been the focus of his issues. Iyer has written many books, including “Water: perspectives, issues, and concerns”, as well as, has been published in many articles. He uses a systematic malaise to inform the public on the large scale miseries that are due to large dams. Ramaswamy R. Iyer will later be editing a volume on Water Laws in India, which will consist of seventeen to eighteen papers by different authors.

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